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Local Governing Board

What do Governors do?

The LGB holds meetings during the year in which they help to support the school, its leadership, and pupils, whilst challenging to make sure that everyone achieves as much progress as they can and should.

Our school’s LGB is made up of four trust-appointed members, who are volunteers, two parents, two staff, and the Headteacher. They can invite other members of staff into meetings to discuss current issues.

 They must declare that they are working for the school in an open and honest way so fill in a declaration of interests form annually, and declarations of interest is an item on every LGB meeting agenda.

The LGB also works alongside a cluster board where cluster-wide issues are discussed. The Cluster Board is made up of volunteers, just like an LGB, Headteachers and Chairs of Governors. There is also a central team with officers and business partners who specialise in providing support in areas such as finance, HR, health and safety, estates, and governance.

We must share this information with you about our governors and governance:

Kerry Dawson- Chair of Governors

I was born and raised in Stone and have lived my whole life in and around the town.  I have three children, two with very different SEND needs and one who attends our local first school.  I work as a Governance Professional for school governing boards across Staffordshire, occasionally travelling further afield, and have worked in administration in various sectors since leaving school in 2006.

I am passionate about creating opportunities for young people and am lucky enough to have the chance to affect change first hand, both through my role as a Scout Leader with a local Scout group and as Band Director with a local youth marching band.

Whilst I am fairly new as a Governor, I hope that the skills gained through employment and my voluntary experience will help me to lead the Governing Board effectively and offer stability for at least the next four years.  I am looking forward to working with staff, Governors, parents, and pupils of the school and getting to know Veritas better

Helen Wilcock - Trust Appointed Governor

I have only recently moved to Staffordshire. Prior to that I lived in Suffolk and had a career as a dietitian specialising in paediatrics - in particular working with children with extra needs. I have four children myself and now that they have grown and flown to this side of the country I was prompted to retire and move this way. I love Staffordshire and have felt very welcomed here.

Having been a governor at an upper school in Suffolk for 17 years, I found I was missing the challenge of the governing role. I was delighted to be selected to be a Governor at Veritas Primary School as I have heard such good things about the school.

For a significant part of my time as a governor I had the responsibility of SEND link governor, supporting the SENCO in the school. I am very pleased to take on the same role with some similar and some new challenges at Veritas Primary School.

I am excited to have the opportunity to get to know the school better and hope that my previous experience will contribute to the already established and dedicated governing body.


Paul Hanlon- Trust Appointed Governor

I have lived in Stafford all my life. I am married with a daughter and have recently become a grandparent.

I have worked at Stafford college where I worked as Assistant Estates and Facilities Manager and for 3 years at Flash Ley Primary School.

I joined Veritas Primary Academy at the beginning of the school opening in 2015 and have enjoyed seeing the school develop into what it is today.

Having now retired from my position as Site Manager I am now looking forward to bringing my years of experience and enthusiasm to our school in the Governor role.


Kirsten Flanagan- Parent Governor

I have 2 children at Veritas and as a military family we moved back to Stafford in 2021. I understand the challenges of moving and settling into a new school and area and feel I can support and help children with these transitions. 

I have a keen interest in music; I sing and play the violin in St Mary's church choir and music group. 

I currently work for Rhythm time teaching baby, toddler and preschool music classes in Staffordshire.

I am a qualified primary school teacher with experience across all key stages but currently not teaching full time to support my children and husband which gives me the opportunity to volunteer on the governing body.

As a teacher and parent I am enthusiastic about creating a sustainable world for our children and future generations. I feel it is important to provide all children with the knowledge and confidence to explore and develope new ideas which will help to shape their future and their world around them. 

I am looking forward to using my knowledge and experience to support and promote the school's vision and ethos for all pupils. 


Kerry Haughton- Parent Governor

I was born and educated in Stafford until leaving for university in 2002. After graduation I moved a number of times for work, returning a little over 5 years ago as a single mum to two children who now go to Veritas.

I work in corporate banking for a high street bank and have done similar roles for the past 16 years, including a stint working on private equity funds in the Channel Islands and within their credit risk team. My roles have always required the ability to communicate with people via a variety of different mediums and approaches, balancing sometimes complex wants and needs to achieve a common goal.

Outside of work I love live music, travelling and doing new things with my children. My favourite place is the beach and we often go back to see friends in Guernsey, where my children were born.

Over the covid lockdowns I spent some time thinking about learning styles and the role schools play in setting children up for their future. Having been recently diagnosed with ADHD myself, I recognise some of the challenges I had and how critical early education is to enabling children to achieve their best outcomes and ensuring their mental health is protected. It is this angle that forged my decision to apply to be a parent governor and I hope that I can bring some of my critical thinking and strategy skills to benefit the school going forward.


Kelly Dean- Staff Governor 

I joined Veritas in 2017 as Clerical Assistant in the school office, moving into the classroom as a 1 to 1 Teaching Assistant and for the last few years have become PE Lead for school.  In teaching PE to the whole school, I feel I have a very good understanding of the passion children have for physical education.  

I have 3 children, one of which is at Veritas - my other two children are at high school and college. I have lived in Stafford most of my life and have good links to the sporting community. I co-manage an under 8’s boys football team and I also play in a woman’s football team in my spare time. I have also recently been appointed as Strategic Lead for girls’ football in schools -Stafford and Stone. 

I look forward to bringing my enthusiasm and passion for our school into the role as Governor. 

Rachael Buxton- Staff Governor


I grew up locally in Eccleshall and attended secondary school here in Stafford. After meeting my husband, I moved to Lancaster for him to attend university whilst I worked full time. Upon completing his degree we moved up to the beautiful sea side town of St Bees in Cumbria where we started our family of 2 boys. I've worked across multiple roles over the years. One of my biggest achievements was becoming Cumbria's youngest driving instructor! A change of career came when my family came along, to one with more family friendly hours. This is when I discovered, using my previous child care qualification, that working in school is were where my passion lay. In 2017 we moved back "home" to Stafford and both boys started at Veritas. Very shortly after, I started working in reception class and my love and passion for Veritas grew. After 6 years here - I couldn't be more proud of the school I work in. I currently work in KS2 with our older children and have an increased interest in SEND.  I recently started to put together a tailored transition program for our year 6 children! 


If you would like to contact our Chair of Governors please email: 

[email protected]