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Reach2 Information

Who we are

Founded in 2012, REAch2 Academy Trust is the largest primary-only academy trust in the country. We currently support 60 primary academies across England, all of whom share our mission to provide the best possible education for our young people.

At the heart of this mission is the unshakeable belief that every child deserves a rich, rewarding, education, regardless of their background or geographical location. Our schools offer exceptional teaching from staff who make sure children get the best possible experience.

Whether inside the classroom or extra-curricular activities, we offer pupils a comprehensive schooling which helps to shape the people they will become.

“We all know that an outstanding education has the power to change lives, and our team are totally committed to our mission. I am proud to work with such dedicated professionals who I know will do everything in their power to care for each and every one of our pupils, united behind our common goal – that every school in REAch2 becomes a “great school”.

Cathie Paine, Chief Executive Officer


REAch2 Academy Trust forms the strong, responsible, foundation from which every school develops, grows, and flourishes.

It is the cornerstone that ensures all its schools deliver the best possible learning experience based on quality, excellence and high standards.

Our staff are committed to a maintaining a culture inspired by our Touchstones: seven principles which inspire our provision and ensure REAch2 academies are unique.

Just as 500 years ago touchstones were used to test the quality of the gold they marked, so too our Touchstones find what is precious and set these things apart.

They embody the values and ethos of the Trust and act as our guiding purpose for every decision taken. 

Registered Office:

REAch2 Academy Trust
Henhurst Ridge Primary Academy
Henhurst Ridge
DE13 9TQ

Tel: 01283 246433
Email: [email protected]

Please click here to read more about REAch2.