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Since 1994, swimming and water safety has been a statutory element of the national curriculum for physical education in England.

This means that every 11-year old child should leave primary school with the skills to keep themselves safe while enjoying swimming with friends and family.

The three national curriculum outcomes

Swimming is the only sport to be included within the national curriculum physical education programme of study. All primary schools must provide swimming and water safety lessons in either Key Stage 1 or 2.

Each pupil is required to be able to do the following:

  • Perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations
  • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • Use a range of strokes effectively, for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke.


At Veritas our children in Year 5 swim once a week for the whole year which we believe gives them the best opportunity to become confident and proficient swimmers.

Swimming Results

Certificate One - Goldfish - 100% of Year 6 pupils can:

1. Understand what the whistles and alarms at the swimming pool mean.

2. Enter and leave the water unaided in a number of different ways.

3. Walk 5-10m without holding on to the side of the pool.

4. Confidently jump up and down in the water.

5. Regain standing position from a front and back horizontal position.

6. Swim 5-10m on the front and back.

7. With float(s), kick legs for 5-10m on the front and back.

8. Perform a star float on the back and front.

9. Blow bubbles in the water.

10. Swim 10m on either the front or the back.


Certificate Two - Turtle - 87% of Year 6 pupils can:

1. Understand the safety rules at a swimming pool.

2. Enter and leave the water without using pool steps.

3. Perform a star float on the back and on the front and perform a mushroom float.

4. Perform a push and glide in the water on the front and back.

5. Perform the H.E.L.P position.

6. Recover a submerged object.

7. Without contacting the floor swim 5m on the back, rotate and swim 5m on the front.

8. With float(s) kick legs for 10m on the front and back.

9. Swim 10m on the front and back.


Certificate Three - Octupus - 87% of Year 6 pupils can:

1. Understand personal hygiene.

2. Understand the water safety code.

3. Safely jump into water at least 1m deep.

4. With a partner, open eyes under water and pick up a named object.

5. Float on the surface of the water varying the body position.

6. Adopt a resting position (motionless float) for 10 seconds.

7. Scull on the back for 5m and change direction.

8. Swim under water through a submerged hoop, with or without a partner.

9. With float(s), kick front crawl legs and breathing 5-10m.

10. Swim 10m front and back crawl recovering over the water.

11. Enter deep water and swim confidently for 25m, using one of the following strokes; front crawl, back crawl or breast stroke.