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Snow & Bad Weather

In the event of bad weather it is always the school’s priority to remain open and as such the site team will work to ensure that the site is both accessible and safe.

There are, however rare instances where the school might not be able to open as normal as a result of severe weather.

In such instances any changes to the usual opening arrangements will be communicated via Studybugs, facebook and the school website.

Where no updates have been provided parents should assume that the school is open as normal. In the event of bad weather the school advises all pupils, staff and visitors to wrap up warmly and wear sensible footwear. We also advise all pupils, parents and visitors to stick to the gritted footpaths around the school grounds.

The health, safety and well being of all members of our school family and the wider community is of paramount importance at these times.

Please do not hesitate to contact us in you have any queries in the event of bad weather.

snow day procedures.pdf