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REAch 2 Sustainability Strategy

At REAch 2, we are committed to revolutionising our approach to sustainability. By empowering our children to become environmental ambassadors, we will ignite their potential to effect positive change.

Our objectives are clear:

- Empower our children with the knowledge to comprehend environmental sustainability and empower them to champion change.

- By 2027, significantly diminish our carbon footprint.

- Implement environmental initiatives that champion, conserve, and enrich local biodiversity.


To achieve these goals, we will:

- Ensure each school devises a sustainability action plan, placing ecological literacy and environmental sustainability at the core of its curriculum. 

- Aid all REAch 2 schools in attaining national recognised Eco-Awards by fostering rich biodiverse environments.

- Engage all our children in community endeavours to foster positive environmental action in their surroundings. 

-Diminish our carbon footprint by enhancing infrastructure and embracing environmentally conscious procurement processes.

- Invest in our staff to obtain accreditation in environmental sustainability. 

- Embrace various activities that reconnect our children with nature, nurturing their stewardship of the environment.